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No Pain No Gain? Nah. Just Happy!

Ah. Bestnya menulis sambil dengar Lagu Kita.
Ya, Lagu Kita.
Our favourite song by Aizat Amdan.
Haha. Baru berapa jam aku dah rindu kat R.

Sounds so cheesy rite?

Tadi aku hantar R pegi kerja kat Seremban. Harini hari ke berapa ntah, R had to continue working until next Friday. That means we can only meet each others in 5 days. I bet you guys yang selalu kehulu kehilir berkepit dengan suami sendiri tu tau la perasaan dia macam mana kan? Or am I the only one felt like this?

Awal-awal haritu masa R bagitau yang dia kena kerja terus 2 minggu tanpa cuti tu aku rasa macam tersentak kejap. Sebab satu, aku rasa kesian dia kat sana sorang-sorang walaupun aku tau dia ada je kawan-kawan kat sana. Dua, aku risau dia tak makan hahaha aku tau dia nak diet tapi nanti benda pelik-pelik kang yang dia makan. Tapi sebenarnya yang ketiga, aku yang lonely. Hehe.

Cukup la satu hari itu aku menangis.
Menangis dari pagi kat tempat kerja sampai malam sebelum tidur.

I just cant imagine how it will be without him.
I just cant.

But I know I have to accept that and now I have already accepted it, even though sometimes that lonely feeling comes to me. I know I should find something that I can do so that the feeling go away.

Shuhhhhh....please go!

I'm still wondering, and that is why I think better I start write, write anything and everything I felt here, like those old time, babbling and merepek-ing in the blog. 

I should be happy.
I should be positive.
I should not be stress.
Nothing to be stressed about actually, haha

He whatsapps me whenever he want, sending me jokes and his warm words. 
He selfies his busyuk masyam face every morning or after work so that I can laugh looking at his face.
He calls me every night, so that I can sleep soundly after hearing his warm voice.

Thank you Abang, for always making me feel you are here.
I'm sorry for being so crybaby. But yeah let me be the baby before we have a real one though.

I love you so much  ♥
Semoga dalam jagaan Allah selalu.

Salam rindu dari Tampin
040421 |  6.46pm


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